What Made Me
WHAT MADE ME is a participatory art piece exploring the fundamentals of what shapes us as individuals. The project has drawn attention from all over the world and has been commissioned multiple times by high profile global clients including BP, TEDx events, Workday, Interac Corp and the Move The Dial global tech conferences, European museums and art galleries, SME’s and smaller brands. It has been published by Sandu Publishing and Corraini Edizioni and has also grown in popularity online, attracting over 30,000 of monthly impressions on Pinterest.
Through a visual system that uses colour, line and grid composition, the project invites the participants to answer five simple questions. What Made You: Think, Happy, Angry, Create and Change? Each question is represented by a thread of different colour and can be answered by connecting relevant words together. Over the course of the event, a multi-layered, visual data map emerges. Ultimately, the participants become the creators of this colourful art piece.
If you are interested in commissioning this project, please get in touch.
Previous clients include: